You can also buy the kit version of the Chipino module which includes the board and the components allowing you to build the module as you want.
CHIPINO Bare Board
At the heart of every Chipino is the Chipino circuit board. You can purchase that board and then build it to your requirements. A parts list of components is included to help you build it like the original.
Programmer Options
You can use the Chipino with many different PIC programmers. The Microchip PICkit 2 is open source so you can even build your own. The most popular are the PICkit 2 and PICkit 3 and their many clones.
PICkit 2
PICkit 2 Clone
PICkit 3
CHIPINO Deluxe Starter Package Details:
The CHIPINO module used in the CHIPINO Deluxe Starter Package uses the PIC16F886 with a 16 Mhz crystal and 5v operation. The module can be powered from the ICSP programmer header or an external power source. The module has an on-off switch for the external power source. The module has a reset switch and connection headers that match the Arduino footprint so many shields can be plugged in.
CHIPINO Software:
The CHIPINO can be programmed in any software that supports the PIC16F886. The SimpleC library from Chuck Hellebuyck for the Microchip HI-TECH C / XC8 compiler is a great choice and so is the PBP3 Student Edition BASIC Compiler from microEngineering Labs. Both of these come with the CHIPINO Deluxe Starter Package.
CHIPINO Programmer:
The CHIPINO can be programmed by any programmer that supports the Microchip PIC. Any PICkit 2 Clone or PICkit 3 Programmer will work great.
CHIPINO Development Software:
The CHIPINO works with just about any PIC development platform such as Great Cow Basic, PICBASIC PRO, Microchip MPLAB X and MPLAB IDE. Each platform has an IDE with built in editor for writing the software and works directly with the PICkit 2 or PICkit 3 style programmer and others. This gives you the potential for one click compile and program. MPLAB X can also run the system in debug mode for stepping through your code. It also has a built in simulator for developing code without hardware.